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Kate Meader books

Kate Meader
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Read Books by Kate Meader


Feel the Heat (2014)

*I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads*One big Italian family with a struggling restaurant. A famous chef looking to up his celebrity status by moving into tv. Add in a spoonful of drama and a heaping scoop of sexual tension and you will "Feel the Heat".This book was ...

Feel the Heat (2014) by Kate Meader

Feel the Heat (Hot In the Kitchen)

This page Gina created has almost nineteen thousand fans and it’s gaining every hour. Don’t shy away from this. You should be embracing how freaking gorgeous you are.” He turned on the DeLuca smile that looked ten times better on the males in the family. “Just sayin’. And anyone’s better than Mar...

Feel the Heat (Hot In the Kitchen) by Kate Meader

Sparking the Fire

Molly held the phone away from her ear. At 6:05 in the morning, Cal’s screech, as clear as if she was in the same room instead of five hundred miles away in Tennessee, was not helping her ease into the day. “I’ve not moved in with him. I’ve stayed two nights with Gage and Brady next door while th...

Sparking the Fire by Kate Meader

Hot and Bothered (Hot in the Kitchen)

Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior writt...

Hot and Bothered (Hot in the Kitchen) by Kate Meader

Taking the Score

Kane was pissed. Understandably so; she had blindsided him, after all. She’d never seen him angry before, and it was…hot. She needed no more reasons to be attracted to him, yet here he was serving up more of the sexy.     His hair dipped over those sex-nerd glasses that always...

Taking the Score by Kate Meader

Rekindle the Flame (2015)

Sort of morbid, Darcy admitted as she quickly navigated the slick floors of the lavish care facility, where her grandmother was camping out while she recovered from her stroke. The old girl was richer than God and could have afforded around-the-clock care at the mansion, but the docs had recommen...

Rekindle the Flame (2015) by Kate Meader

Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago #1)

It might only be an hour past the official end of his shift, but it was close to zero hour for the working stiffs on the nine-to-five, and he was sardine-canning it with everyone on their way into the office.     It had taken him forever to leave the firehouse, between ensurin...

Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago #1) by Kate Meader

Melting Point

SMITH, but I can’t let you leave by yourself. Hospital policy requires a patient with a suspected concussion be signed into the care of another responsible adult.”     Brady glared scalpels at the officious discharge nurse at Northwestern Memorial’s ER, who was doing a really,...

Melting Point by Kate Meader

All Fired Up (Kate Meader)

Cara muttered. Her blabbermouth cousin claimed it was a necessary skill for a bartender. “It was just a one-time thing.” “What, no good?” Jules asked. “He looks like he’d be good.” She leaned in, ready for girly confidences. “I mean, we all know there’s nothing better than young, virile cock.” “S...

All Fired Up (Kate Meader) by Kate Meader

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