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Read Remembrance (1982)

Remembrance (1982)

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0751505552 (ISBN13: 9780751505559)

Remembrance (1982) - Plot & Excerpts

Remembrance by Danielle SteelSaraina feels like she's been on the train for days and she has been. Others see the pain in her eyes...She had lived 4 years with the sisters in upstate NY and now she was on her way back home. The war has ended and her home has been under terror.She's back home but Sergio has sold all of her familys possessions and she knows she will get revenge. She is hoping to get a job cleaning her old house...the house is being rented from the Army. A major is in residence. Margailla the old housekeeper will help her in her old house, her only family.The major, Brad Fullerton is to be married to a woman in NY but he's taken a fancy to Saraina.Problems arise when Patty comes to visit him and he knows he needs to break off the engagement. He sets things right and relocates her to Paris. They know when they arrive in the states there will be turmoil.His mother has a plan that she hopes Saraina will on board for.The book is divided into parts: early years and the survival years. After so much pain and sorrow she's had to get a job and watch her brother in law go to war.Each of the parts have traumatic things occur and it makes the characters stronger as their lives go on.Also the oldest daughter's life is highlighted as well.

1 STARS"Her beloved Italian homeland shattered in the wake of World War II, exquisite Serena, Principessa di San Tibaldo, has nothing left except her name, her ancestry... and her heart which she gives completely and forever to Major Brad Fullerton. But not even Brad's ring—or his child—can protect her from the calculating wrath of the powerful Fullerton dynasty, and the woman who will become Serena's bitter enemy. Sweeping from the war-torn palazzos of Rome to the glittering avenues of Manhattan and the glamorous world of high fashion. Here is the vibrant story of one woman's triumphant yet bittersweet journey of the heart." (From Amazon)Originally when I read Danielle Steel novels I would have rated them 3-4 STARS, but now I would classify them as 1-2 STARS. These are great for those who like mild sex, unrealistic dramatic romances and grand plots.

What do You think about Remembrance (1982)?

One of the reasons why I read Danielle Steel's books is because a friend of mine brought a whole lot of them and they're just sitting there at home wanting someone to read them. The other reason is because I know that there's a happy ending and my expectations are almost always correct in terms of what's going to happen next in the plot, which can be boring when everything you expect to happen happens. Moreover, she makes her main characters sound impeccable and unrealistic at the same time. I usually read her books right after a very well written book that usually has overwhelming events or a sad ending. If you like typical Hollywood classics, then you'll definitely enjoy this one.

Set against World War II, 'Remembrance' is classic Steel. Serena is an Italian princess who lost everything. Stripped of her family, her wealth and even her home, she summons her inner strength and works as a maid in her own home when Americans move in and use it for military headquarters. But then she meets a soldier who changes her life and saves her from the devastation of the war. However, like in many of Steel's novels, our heroine's newfound happiness is short lived and Serena must reinvent herself once again, this time in America. This is a story of survival in the face of the harshest odds, of excess and loss and the price of happiness. You'll fall in love with Serena and her daughters in this enchanting, engrossing read from one of the world's best storytellers.
—Jathan Fink

-- Steel spans two generations of women who learn to cope with the hard life has dealt them and to prevail in spite of the odds. A fast-paced ride!Impoverished by World War II, Principessa Serena di San Tibaldo is working as a servant in the Italian palazzo once owned by her family when the Americans liberate the country. Beautiful blonde Serena captures the attention of U.S. Army Major Bradford J. Fullerton, member of a wealthy and powerful Manhattan family. Following a whirlwind courtship and marriage, Serena and Brad return stateside to continue his military career. Life seems even more perfect with the birth of their daughter Vanessa, but then Brad is killed during the early days of the Korean conflict, leaving Serena with a young child to provide for, and no means of support. Drawing on the core of strength developed during World War II, Serena parlays her beauty into a modeling career. It is her beauty that makes Serena the object of obsession for a brilliant but unstable photographer.
—Gabrielle Mae

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