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Read Riding Shotgun (1997)

Riding Shotgun (1997)

Online Book

3.8 of 5 Votes: 2
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0553763539 (ISBN13: 9780553763539)

Riding Shotgun (1997) - Plot & Excerpts

Rita Mae Brown mentions in the Author's Note for Riding Shotgun that she wrote the book during a blackout when she was bored, and feeling weighed down by troubles. She goes on to say that she hopes the book helps readers forget their troubles, even if just for a short while. Mission accomplished.The book is filled with Brown's usual Elizabeth Bennett types: strong, beautiful, intelligent, independent, ass-kicking women who make men swoon, with some lesbian sensibility for good measure. This one has a fantasy side: the protagonist time-travels to 1699 during a foxhunt, right after she learns something troubling about her dead husband. It's a lot of fun and certainly distracted me when I needed to be.

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