I've not read one of Stacey Lynn's books before and recently went on a rampage of downloading FREE books, this one though I would have definitely paid for, it was a lovely read the story had me gripped from beginning to end, it was sweet, it was loving, it was devastating & Heart wrenching and made me cry, but it also made me smile and be happy for the characters in this book also for an Author to make me shed tears, in my eyes its definitely a great book.If you love Rock Star / Band Romance then I guarantee you will definitely love this really sweet romance.I will be looking out for more books from this Author and am now going to read Just One Week which is the next book.I gave this book 5 Stars as I thought it deserved it the story was really good and the sort of thing I love to read! When I started this free read it seemed promising but then it just peters out and drags and becomes predictable (it's so obvious she'll become the keyboard player).The emotional impact that Nicole's history is supposed to generate fell flat for me. There wasn't enough background about how happy and in love she had been and whilst we read a little of her husband, the son wasn't mentioned much or how upset she as a mother was to lose her son. As for Zack he was just far too nice and understanding. Nothing like a bad boy rock star. The little hiccup in their romance came too early in the novel and so once that was resolved I was bored until another predictable thing happened. There is very little sex in this story. It's more a sweet love story about healing and moving on but it fell short for me.
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