The three of them ate together comfortably, as close relatives who see each other a great deal are comfortable together, sharing tidbits about each other’s day. Grace talked about some of the more interesting aspects of the cases that had appeared before her, Jackie described the antics of her children and those at the day-care center where she worked, and Jessica chatted about her schoolwork and the state of Godzifla’s health. Grace noticed that Jessica, too, said nothing to Jackie about the trouble she’d gotten into or the kids not speaking to her at school or her feeling that someone had followed her home. Her daughter’s retice Ince made her feel that she had done the right thing in keeping their troubles to herself When supper was over, Jessica helped clear the table. After Jackie and the kids left, Grace and Jessica 134 KAREN ROBARDS went for a run, as they did several times a week after supper. It was full dark by this time. There were few street lights in Bexley, and the ones that existed were only on the corners of the busier intersections.