Thank you. TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONECHAPTER TWOCHAPTER THREECHAPTER FOURCHAPTER FIVECHAPTER SIXCHAPTER SEVENCHAPTER EIGHTCHAPTER NINECHAPTER TENCHAPTER ELEVENCHAPTER TWELVECHAPTER THIRTEENCHAPTER FOURTEENCHAPTER FIFTEENCHAPTER SIXTEENCHAPTER SEVENTEENCHAPTER EIGHTEENCHAPTER NINETEENCHAPTER TWENTYCHAPTER TWENTY-ONECHAPTER TWENTY-TWOCHAPTER TWENTY-THREECHAPTER TWENTY-FOURCHAPTER TWENTY-FIVECHAPTER TWENTY-SIXCHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENCHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHTCHAPTER TWENTY-NINECHAPTER THIRTYCHAPTER THIRTY-ONEPRONUNCIATIONSABOUT THE AUTHOROTHER BOOKS BY GAYLE PARNESS CHAPTER ONEFor the third morning in a row, the loud chattering of two squirrels in the middle of a drawn out territorial dispute wrenched me out of a pleasant dream. The little vermin, programmed by their DNA to rise along with the sun, had no neighborly regard for my going to sleep less than four hours ago. I mean they were cute and all, but c'mon, Rocky, go duke it out somewhere else for a change.Although it was way past dawn, my bedroom was in total darkness, an easy-to-live-with result of wanting to sleep in the same bed as my vampire lifemate, Garrett.
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