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Read Romancing The West (2007)

Romancing the West (2007)

Online Book

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1932815929 (ISBN13: 9781932815924)
medallion press

Romancing The West (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Emily McBride is in a pickle. The preacher's daughter secretly writes scandalous romantic adventures. But someone's uncovered her secret talent and threatens to expose her double life. Her small town friends and the man of her dreams will never speak to her again. Worse, she's growing fond of her new friend, a literary poet, who would surely be horrified by her novels.

When the Peacemaker Alliance recruits lawman, Seth Wright, he's ready, willing, and able to kick ruthless desperado butt for the covert government agency. His enthusiasm wanes, however, when his first assignment takes him to California to propose marriage to Miss Emily McBride on behalf of his boss and deliver her back to Arizona Territory. He's a lawman, not a courier. Worse, the small-town librarian mistakes him for a dandified poet! Before he sets her straight, she confesses she's mixed up in something tawdry. With two unwanted suitors hounding her, the woman needs protection. So Seth assumes the fancy pants identity to room in her house without compromising her reputation.

Seth's good intentions take a monumental twist when he develops genuine feelings for the passionate book lover. She's not what she seems. More jolting, neither is he.

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