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Read Sealed In

Sealed In

Online Book

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Sealed In - Plot & Excerpts

These are just Hazmat coveralls; they won’t work keeping out a virus. They won’t,” Emma told him. “These are designed for dust. I got these for when Yellowstone blew, for the dust and debris.”
    In her kitchen, Andy handed her a roll of duct tape. “Seal me over the … g-gloves.”
    Nose running from crying, Emma did as instructed. She packed a box of supplies for Andy to take along with a five gallon container of disinfectant.
    After she sealed his boots and gloves, Andy stepped into a second suit. “It … it will work.”
    “Keep your eyes covered with the goggles. Use the mini tank for breathing,” she instructed. “Park the truck a good distance away, take only the disinfectant and supplies. Got that?”
    He grabbed her hand. “I’ll b … be fine. I don’t th … think Richie will get s … sick. Bailey’s is f… four miles out.”
    “Be careful, and please, do not go into Hartworth.”

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