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Read Season Of Passion (1989)

Season of Passion (1989)

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0440177049 (ISBN13: 9780440177043)

Season Of Passion (1989) - Plot & Excerpts

kaitlyn harper is disowned by her upper crust parents when she falls in love with football superstar Tom. Kaitlyn happily leaves her parents nest without a look back and for the first year or 2 with tom things are heavenly until Toms contract with the football league comes up for review. Tom knows he has limited time left in his career but instead of making the most of the time left Tom starts drinking heavily and gets into one fight after another until one fight gos to far and Tom whether purposely or accidentally shoots himself in the head.Tom survives but the brain damage is to great and the man he once was is lost forever. Kate is forced to place Tom in a sanatorium to see out the rest of his days. Kate then escapes to the country where she gives birth to Toms child. For 6 years Kate hides in the country keeping her former life a secret from everybody including her and Toms son Tygue. To fill her days between car pooling and parenting Kates retreat is in her writing. After writing her first novel which was a flop Kate accendentally writes a best seller and the life she had carefully built up in the country started to crumble.Through her first book tour Kate meets Nick Waterman who she gradually falls in love with. However Kate is soon caught up in the glamour of celebrity as fame goes to her head and her sense of self entitlement ends up before everything else including her son. It takes Tygue running away from home for a second time for Kate to see how selfish she has been and how much she has to lose...Through nearly losing everything she has ever cared about Kate gets it together and focuses on her future with Nick, Tygue and the child she is carrying.An enjoyable read but often times a frustrating read when you can see where Kate is going wrong and you just want to grab her and shake her and ask her whats wrong with her. Its also a heartbreaking story for anyone who has felt the loss of a loved one. Prepare to have those tissues handy if you decide to read this one.

This book is about a woman called Kate who fell in love with a pro- football player called Tom Harper and got married. They had a great married life together, and Kate becomes pregnant with a baby boy. Tom started playing really bad because he was getting old, and he had anger issues and had a bad reputation in the media.One day with an attempt of suicide he shot himself in the head but didn't die, but instead his mind became of a 7 year old, and that problem was incurable.He was sent to a place for people like him for the rest of his life.Kate was left alone with her baby, and all she did was write a book, take care of her child and go meet her husband, she kept doing that for 7 years, with no motive in life. No one knew Tom was still alive, everyone knew he was dead.Kate realized she has to do something with her life, so she published her book, and met a man called Nick. They fell in love, but Kate still went to meet Tom at times.Nick asked her if they could get married, but Kate always thought if it would be fair to Tom, because he was still alive and was her husband. Kate didn't tell Nick that Tom was still alive. One day Nick finds out that Tom was still alive and talks to Kate about it, he told her that he would accept her with him. Kate says that she would wait for the right time to get married to him. One day Kate becomes pregnant with Nick's child, and they finally decide they will stay together and that she could meet Tom.While reading this book i thought about how Kate felt, having her husband alive but not the way he should have been but instead a 7 year old and the way she felt when she was in love with Nick, but her husband alive. It kept me thinking how everything will happen, but it was great. I really liked it. :D

What do You think about Season Of Passion (1989)?

A Daniele Steel é uma das escritoras sobre quem tenho muita curiosidade em conhecer mas dada a sua extensa publicação tem sido dificil conhecer e acompanhar, contudo nos poucos livros dela que já consegui ler há um fio condutor de emoções que ela mantém inalterável e que me faz gostar dos seus livros. Neste caso vemos uma mulher que viveu uma grande paixão e sofreu por coisas que não pode controlar e que passa muito tempo fechada em si até se permitir acordar e viver e amar novamente. Adorei as personagens e foi uma excelente leitura para férias. ----Danile Steel is one of these writers that I want to know but because of her extense publications is dificult to follow, still in the few I've read there's a thred of emotions that bind them all and that makes me love her books and it's people. In this case we have a woman that as soufered by a big passion and has shout herself out of the world until she discovers that there is life and love when you least count with it. Love everyon in it and was a wonderfull vacations read.
—Ines Norton

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