Chess once again finds herself investigating potential ghostly occurrences in the mean streets of Downside; Bump's prostitutes are being murdered in quite a grisly fashion and from all appearances, it looks like a ghost is behind it all. Chess also finds herself in a bind when Lex and Slobag ask for her help in dealing with the same thing. The bind being Slobag and Bump are enemies. Both are drug lords in different parts of Downside and if either one catches word that Chess is canoodling with the enemy, she'll find herself in deep shit. If only drugs weren't so important to Cesaria Putnam, she would find herself living a whole lot less dangerously. But where's the fun in that?Never have I been more enamored with a fictional character the way I am with Chess Putnam. My fervor also extends to the relationship Chess shares with Terrible. Both characters are so unique and so dynamic that I find myself going back to read certain scenes they are in together because they are just so good and the relationship is just so complex, at least on the part of Chess. Because of Chess' past, she can't accept that some people, much like Terrible, really do like her as she is. Terrible has stated on numerous occasions how 'cool' he thinks she is and coming from a guy like Terrible, 'cool' is a huge compliment. Not to mention his protective side concerning Chess. The side she doesn't understand and therefore doesn't recognize, but he is a big sweet man with a soft spot for Cesaria. Because of their complex relationship there is so much emotion involved, both on their ends and mine. One critical part of the last book, a very emotional scene between Chess and Terrible, really struck a chord. And I thought that one was bad, there's even more emotion involved in another pinnacle moment shared between them in this book. Chess and Terrible are quickly moving up the ranks to the spot of favorite (potential) couple. Stacia Kane once again amazes me with her ability to make readers fall in love with possibly the worst kind of heroine there is. Chess is a drug addict, it's come to the point where drugs pretty much run her life. Self-destructive behavior is never an endearing quality to have in a main character and combine that with the fact that Chess is also severely lacking self-worth and the potential to really hate the girl is there. Surprising thing is, I can't. I can't hate Chess Putnam and after finishing each book, I find myself rooting for her a little more each time. I want Chess to find happiness, I want Chess to succeed, and most of all, I want Chess to see herself as Terrible sees her: she really is cool, despite her demons and vices, and she has a big heart she hides from most everyone. Not only has Chess and Terrible quickly moved to become my fictional favorites, but this series has as well (and I'm only 2 books in!). Really looking forward to continuing on and hoping that Chess finally opens her eyes a little and sees what's standing right in front of her :) Okay here it goes. I am completely addicted to this series out of sheer frustration, get your shit together Chess!!! Okay tantrum over. Now to the review. The world and characters created are completely unique, but I'm still waiting to know more about the personalities of the characters. I feel we're being told the same things about these characters over and over again. We already know Chess is a drug addict who can't deal with pain, we already know Terrible is physically tough and insecure, we know all about them being emotionally damaged. Can we please have something deeper. I am aware we get little tidbits here and there, but I want to know more of there background stories. As much as I love the mystery part of these books it takes up most of the story, and leaves us lacking in character development. I only say this because I'm obsessed and I want to know more about the people these characters are. With that said I am guilty of absolutely falling in love with this series. I'm sure I will come to know more about these characters as I go along, the frustration I feel is because I am completely into this world. You only get mad at the things and people you love right?
What do You think about Seelenzorn (2000)?
Packed with action from beginning to end definitely a great book.
These books are like crack. Or should I say, Cepts?