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Read Sexual Perversity In Chicago And The Duck Variations

Sexual Perversity in Chicago and the Duck Variations

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Grove/Atlantic, Inc.

Sexual Perversity In Chicago And The Duck Variations - Plot & Excerpts

Nicholas Theater Company, at Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont, in 1972, with the folělowing cast: EMIL VARěC Pablo Vela GEORGE S. ARONOVITZ Peter Vincent It was directed by David Mamet; set and lighting by Jim Drake.
It was first produced off-off Broadway at St. Clements Theatre, New York City, in 1975, with the following cast: EMIL VARěC Paul Sparer GEORGE S. ARONOVITZ Michael Egan It was directed by Albert Takazauckas; set by Michael Massee; lighting by Gary Porto.
It was produced off-Broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, with Sexual Perversity in Chicago, in June of 1976, with the following cast: EMIL VARěC Mike Kellin GEORGE S. ARONOVITZ Michael Egan It was directed by Albert Takazauckas; set by Michael Massee; lighting by Gary Porto.
  The Scene: A Park on the edge of a Big City on a Lake. An afternoon around Easter.
The Characters: Emil Varěc and George S. Aronovitz. Two gentlemen in their sixties.
This is a very simple play.
The set should consist only of a park bench and perhaps a wire garbage can.

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