Shayla said. “And she’s got huge, epic news.” I rolled my eyes. “The last time I saw her, she gave me the epic news that she’d joined a book club. Where ladies discuss a book and drink wine. Honestly, you’d think she’d just invented the printing press the way she went on about it.” Shayla snickered. “But she’s sweet.” “Yes. She is sweet. And maybe this time her epic news is actually epic.” Shayla patted me on the shoulder and winked. “Hey, not everybody gets to be a role model for girls, modeling underpants and dating a hot actor.” I swirled my ice and cucumbers, wondering where all the gin went. Somebody drank it! I would have to find another one. “I’m no role model,” I snorted. “Just because I’m fat and somebody hot wants to fuck me doesn’t make me any better than anyone else. I didn’t cure a disease.” “Please don’t say the f-word, and I don’t mean fuck.” “Okay. Not fat. We’ll call my ass… too wide for narrow minds.” “People on the internet are calling you juicy, and real.”
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