Valerie blushed and a little tremor of excitement tingled up her spine. Until now she had been way too shy to actually do anything about it. Such as suggesting to Tyler they venture down that path.
She’d had the perfect scenario in mind for a while now and had finally found the courage today to act out her fantasy.
Having sex in public.
And it was now or never or she’d lose her nerve.
She wrote Tyler a note with explicit directions on where to find her—omitting the reason why—and then rushed off to set the stage.
The lake was so fresh and sparkling under the blue sky. It being midweek, the chance of encountering other hikers was pretty slim. At least that’s what she told herself.
The walk from the parking area down the steep and rocky trail to the crescent-shaped beach tucked at the base of the high cliffs made it difficult to lug the bags by herself. She’d packed light but made sure not to forget the essentials. Val smiled. Ty would be surprised to see the toys she’d brought along.