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Read Shackles (1990)

Shackles (1990)

Online Book

4.22 of 5 Votes: 5
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0440205239 (ISBN13: 9780440205234)

Shackles (1990) - Plot & Excerpts

Here is a list of all the books (in order) Happy Reading.1971tThe Snatcht Random Houset1973tThe Vanishedt Random Houset1973tUndercurrentst Random Houset1977tBlowbackt Ramdom Houset1978tTwospott Putmant1980tLaybrintht St. Martin's Presst1980tA Killing In XanadutWaves Presst1981tHoodwinkedt St. Martin's Presst1982tScattershott St. Martin's Presst1982tDragonfiret St. Martin's Presst1983tBindlestifft St. Martin's Presst1983tCasefilet St. Martin's Presst1984tQuicksilvert St. Martin's Presst1984tNightshadest St. Martin's Presst1984tDoublet St. Martin's Presst1985tBonest St. Martin's Presst1985tGrave Yard PlotstSt. Martin's Presst1886tDreadfallt St. Martin's Presst1988tShacklest St. Martin's Presst1988tSmall Felloniest St. Martin's Presst1990tJackpott Delacortet1991tBreakdownt Delacortet1992tQuarryt Delacortet1992tEpitathst Delacortet1993tDemonst Delacortet1995tHardcaset Delacortet1996tSpadeworkt Crippen & Landrut1996tSentinelst Carroll & Graft1997tIllusionst Carroll & Graft1998tBoobytrapt Carroll & Graft1999tSluthst Five Start1999tDuot Five Start2000tCrazybonest Carroll & Graft2002tBleederst Carroll & Graft2003tSpookt Carroll & Graft2003tScenariost Five Start2005tNightcrawlerst Forget2006tMournerst Forget2007tSavagest Forget2008tFeavert Forget2009tSchemerst Forget2010tBetrayerst Forget2011tCamouflaget Forget2012tHellboxt Forget2012tKinsment Cemetery Dancet2012tFemmet Cemetery Dancet2013tNemesist Forget

Read and enjoyed very much. Breaks the patterns of the normal flow. The main character is a private detective, we never learn his name and he lives and works in San Francisco. Pronzini has been writing this series for about 30 years. This book was written in 1988. I have read a couple and like them. In this story our hero is kidnapped, and left chained to the wall in a mountain cabin. The villain tells our guy he has left him 13 weeks worth of food and will return long after that to bury him. He does escape the cabin in a subtle but believable way. Then he starts to track down this man.

What do You think about Shackles (1990)?

It's the next Nameless Detective book in the series, and it's pretty unique book. The first third is about Nameless being held in captivity by a faceless villain. Afterward, he escapes and hunts said villain down using some nice detective work.Much of this book is really a psychological thriller centering on our protagonist, and it's very well presented. However the detective work that appears in the middle of the story really works too. It's all around a strong book, and I'm very happy to see P
—Shannon Appelcline

PROTAGONIST: Nameless DetectiveSETTING: CaliforniaSERIES: #17 of 40RATING: 4.35WHY: Nameless is abducted by a masked man who takes him to a remote location and shackles his leg to a chain that cannot be removed. The villain leaves food enough for 13 weeks and some minimal supplies. Nameless knows the man is seeking revenge but cannot figure out who it could be. The book is divided into sections; the first deals with his life in the cabin and is chilling in its impact on Nameless. Ultimately, he finds an ingenious way to become free; his subsequent journey into civilization is quite suspenseful. Compelling and engrossing until the dramatic tension eases as he seeks vengeance. An excellent entry in the series.

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