The sky was alight with passionate reds and yellows as the sun descended for the day. She was tormented by her thoughts and couldn’t resist checking the clock every few minutes. Sarah was a woman of action. Her father had always taught her to be in their face and show your opponent you weren’t scared. That was why she could break and train some of the fiercest horses. As much as Travis didn’t want her facing Clark alone, she would, even surrounded by the asshole’s cronies. All she needed was the time and the patience to get out to Macy Jo’s bar before Travis got back from touring the ranch. Clark had left in a huff, but not before he’d looked back to the house with a sneer. Sarah had seen the threat on his face and now she was ready to act. Travis had made it clear he felt something for her and wanted their relationship to be so much more, and deep down she was relieved to have a man around the house—one who’d admitted to caring. But, as much as she liked the revelation and how her body reacted, she must remain a realist.