Alex turned away from the window of the sparsely furnished dâk-bungalow room and dropped the split-cane curtain back into place. ‘Is there need?’ ‘Great need,’ said Niaz, busy with the straps of a dusty valise. ‘It was not advisable to speak while there were many to overhear, but now—’ ‘Here also there are ears,’ said Alex with a jerk of his head towards the verandah outside, where the shadow of a loitering servant lay long upon the sun-warmed stone. Alex and his orderly had left Calcutta by train. The new railway, one of Lord Dalhousie’s most admired strides towards the Westernization of his Eastern Empire, now reached as far as Raniganj - a distance of over a hundred and forty miles north of Calcutta. But from this point the remainder of the journey must be accomplished by road, and Alex and Niaz had left the train, hot, dusty and coated with grit and cinders, and having slept the night at Raniganj in company with Colonel Moulson and a varied assortment of troops and travellers moving north, had proceeded for several days’ journey towards Benares by dâk-ghari - four-wheeled, cab-like vehicles drawn by two horses.
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