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Read She Can Hide (She Can Series)

She Can Hide (She Can Series)

Online Book

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Montlake Romance

She Can Hide (She Can Series) - Plot & Excerpts

His get-out-of-jail-free card had been a lucky break. But were a couple of years long enough for a certain client to forget about money spent and not earned? Too bad his release had been so public. It was hard to stay under the radar when he’d been in the paper. The list of affected inmates had been long, though. Maybe no one had noticed his name among the many.
    He opened the door and stepped inside. The room was a bare-bones rat hole complete with bolted-down remotes and mystery stains on the carpet. But it was only temporary housing. Once the settlement from the county came through, Zeke could pay off his outstanding debt and move far, far away from New Jersey. He tossed his jacket on the bed and shivered. Enough wind blew through the window jambs to move the faded curtains.
    Florida sounded good. Yeah. He was heading south. No more freezing his nuts off.
    He cranked the thermostat on the wall to seventy-five. The unit on the wall shuddered, rattled, and wheezed out a pathetic cough of lukewarm air.

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