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Read She Lover Of Death: The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin

She Lover of Death: The Further Adventures of Erast Fandorin

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She Lover Of Death: The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin - Plot & Excerpts

From Columbine’s Diary She arrived in the City of Dreams on a quiet lilac evening Everything had been thought through in advance, down to the smallest detail.After alighting from the Irkutsk train at the platform of Moscow’s Ryazan station, Masha stood there for half a minute with her eyes squeezed shut, breathing in the smell of the city – the mingled scent of flowers, fuel oil and bagels. Then she opened her eyes and in a voice loud enough for the whole platform to hear, proclaimed the quatrain that she had composed two days earlier, on crossing the border between Asia and Europe.Like a shipwrecked vessel founderingWhile the billows rage and roarNo words or tears, regretting nothing,To fall, to soar aloft and fall once more! People glanced round over their shoulders at the young lady with the clear voice and thick plait – some in curiosity, some in disapproval, and one tradeswoman even twirled a finger beside her temple. Generally speaking, the first public act of Masha’s life could be considered a success – and just you wait!It was a symbolic step, marking the beginning of a new era, adventurous and uninhibited.She had left quietly, without any public display.

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