This is a super sweet gay for you story about a single dad who falls for his neighbor. I just love stories about single gay dads. It is refreshing that he didn't become a dad because his sister/girlfriend/ex-wife died/moved away and left him with her child. He actually sought out an adoption. I would love to see an expanded version of this story. Also I think this is one of the best picture prompts for the entire LHNB series. Completely adorable. I really would have liked more. I felt a very real connection between MC1 and his son and between MC2 and MC1's son, but not a lot between MC1 and MC2. However, I do think that the kiss between them went well. I guess we just needed more story to really get these two together.[NOTE: I rate most writing event stories (free reads) 4 or 5 stars because of my appreciation of the author's participation.]
3.5 stars Sweet and easy read, not a lot of depth but enjoyable.
This was sweet :*)Thank you!
Not bad, but very sugary
Leo is so cute.
3.5 stars