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Read Snowfall At Willow Lake: Lakeshore Chronicles Book 4 (2008)

Snowfall at Willow Lake: Lakeshore Chronicles Book 4 (2008)

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Snowfall At Willow Lake: Lakeshore Chronicles Book 4 (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

Ever since her mom had been helping her with Charlie, things seemed easier in a way that was hard to explain. Just knowing her mom was looking after Charlie made Daisy feel more rested, more relaxed. She still wasn’t mother of the year. Her house was still pretty messy most of the time, and she always felt as though she was running late for something, but she no longer had the sensation of running just barely ahead of a steamroller, apt to get flattened if she slowed down even for a second.She wasn’t sure this was due to her mom being around for her, or if Daisy was simply getting better at dealing with her own life. It didn’t really matter, and she wasn’t going to dwell on it, especially not today. Winter Carnival was almost here, and Sonnet’s train was due in any minute.“This is a bad idea,” Zach Alger said grimly to Daisy as they walked together toward the train station. “I shouldn’t have come with you.”“Nonsense.” She glanced over at him. His pale skin seemed more tightly drawn across his cheekbones than ever, adding to his air of tenseness.

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