We sat around it with Inspector Anderton and Sergeant Thomas as I explained in detail why I needed to speak to Howard Oakley. A third officer joined us as I finished.
‘This is Harry Ogden. He’s in charge of the organised crime unit.’ I reached over to shake his hand. I knew Ogden from years ago. He had aged badly – his skin was pallid, his jowls extensive. He was an old-fashioned type of detective who cracked heads together and worried about the consequences later: ideally suited to policing the organised crime groups.
‘Do you have any idea if Howard has any contacts in the Swansea area?’ Anderton said.
I cast a glance at Ogden. ‘We know that he was trying to source a firearm.’ ‘Any names?’ Ogden said.
I shook my head. ‘I should have some details later.’ ‘I’ll make some calls. But we’ll need more information.’ ‘Of course. In due course I’ll need a team of officers available.’ Thomas had been quiet until now. ‘I can take half a dozen officers away from other duties this afternoon until early this evening.