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Read Soul Bonds Book 1 Circles Of Light Series

Soul Bonds Book 1 Circles of Light series

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E.M. Sinclair

Soul Bonds Book 1 Circles Of Light Series - Plot & Excerpts

She had been deep in concentrated thought as she strode along the path from Gaharn back to Emla’s House. She saw men leap at the two Guards trotting in front of her and blood fountained as those Guards fell silently to the ground. She began to turn when a moist cloth slapped across her face. She managed to register the strongly astringent smell of the herb verain mixed with other herbs and then – nothing.She was unaware of being bumped carelessly along a narrow gully for half a league and then being thrown across the back of a fengar. Ropes secured her hands and feet beneath the animal’s belly as a leading rein was held securely by Jal who rode alongside. Jal forced a hard pace, choosing speed over caution. His band rode on, the moon shivering on the snow, giving enough light for a reckless rider. He knew the risk he had taken, creeping not only within the bounds of the Realm of Gaharn but advancing so close to the city where minds could sense his presence all too easily.Despite the cold, sweat trickled down his back as he chose the place to snatch the Senior Lady Iska.

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