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E.M. Sinclair books

E.M. Sinclair
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Read Books by E.M. Sinclair


Drogoya: Book 3 Circles of Light series

It had been his favourite occupation for centuries. He had found many likely places but had been unable to do more than note their locations. Now, his strength was no longer needed to keep in contact with the Void and he could do more. With the added strength of Grek and D’Lah, he could do very m...

Drogoya: Book 3 Circles of Light series by E.M. Sinclair

Dark Realm: Book 5 Circles of Light series

Forward scouts were seeking the easiest route for both foot guards and the four hundred mounted guards with their hundred spare horses. He gave no thought to Captain Lessur or General Whilk. They were already dead, or would be very shortly. The Imperatrix had given private audience to Middle Capt...

Dark Realm: Book 5 Circles of Light series by E.M. Sinclair

Survivors: Book 4 Circles of Light series

She tried arguing with them when it became clear they had no intention of letting Tika travel anywhere without them. Ammi had been aghast to find Tika had only two pairs of much worn and much mended trousers and three similarly shabby shirts apart from Salma’s gift of clothes. Daughters in law we...

Survivors: Book 4 Circles of Light series by E.M. Sinclair

Soul Bonds Book 1 Circles of Light series

She had been deep in concentrated thought as she strode along the path from Gaharn back to Emla’s House. She saw men leap at the two Guards trotting in front of her and blood fountained as those Guards fell silently to the ground. She began to turn when a moist cloth slapped across her face. She ...

Soul Bonds Book 1 Circles of Light series by E.M. Sinclair

Perilous Shadows: Book 6 Circles of Light

He found Sket and Kran rousing guards and preparing to march. He drew Sket aside. ‘The cat,’ he said softly. ‘Khosa. She will stay with Lady Tika but she asked me to tell you those crows alerted her to this thing. She said the crows described the air as looking shivery. And one crow died when it ...

Perilous Shadows: Book 6 Circles of Light by E.M. Sinclair

Vagrants: Book 2 Circles of Light series

He thought it advisable to find out just what, if anything, Rhaki’s arrival in Return might have precipitated. Hargon’s scouts were still seeking news from the northernmost range of his lands but few traders had yet begun travelling after the Cold Season. The Lords of Andla and Tagria lingered in...

Vagrants: Book 2 Circles of Light series by E.M. Sinclair

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