Otherwise, they would have taken more pains to hide the artifacts. Steam started to wisp up from the broken beakers and various liquids that had been spilled on the floor, so Inari opened one of the study windows, letting some of the cold air inside to flush out the area and get rid of any potentially hazardous fumes. After that, it was just a matter of waiting around until more members of the Protectorate showed up to go through the rest of the house and try to identify the dead Reapers. While the others continued to examine the herbs and other debris on the floor, I moved over to the artifacts and looked at all of the items. Some of them I’d heard of before, like the shield of Ares, the Greek god of war, or a spear that had belonged to Sekhmet, an Egyptian war goddess. But some of the items were pretty obscure, like a set of tiny diamond rings that had supposedly belonged to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, or a half-used candle that had once been the possession of Sol, the Norse goddess of the sun.