Ghostland series: Set in a post-apocalyptic world where supernatural beings no longer hide their existence, and where angels and Djinn are heading for the ultimate battle over who will control Earth. Supernatural Bonds series: Witches, Weres, faeries, elves, dragons, Drui and demons, there's something for everyone as each heroine meets her perfect hero—or heroes. Fallon Mates series: To avoid extinction, there's only one hope for the winged inhabitants of the planet Belizair. Come to Earth and claim the perfect, genetically-matched mate, the catch—it has to be done in pairs, a feather-winged Amato must share a lover with a suede, bat-winged Vesti. Crime Tells: Where mystery, family, and finding love while working as private investigators come together in a contemporary world. The Angelini: In a modern day world where vampires and Weres exist, the Old Magic is returning, and the Angelini, who always take at least two mates, guard mankind against the predators hidden among them.