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Read Spontaneous (2010)

Spontaneous (2010)

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0373795424 (ISBN13: 9780373795420)

Spontaneous (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This was a impulse purchase when I was doing one of my 'spontaneous' *wink* Kindle shopping sprees. One thing I love about Ms. Jackson (and one thing I can humbly say we have in common) is that we both love and believe in happy endings. Some might think of that as boring or unrealistic or whatever, but I totally disagree. I think of it as inspiring and uplifting and not wary of getting to the end. And that was the case in this book. I read this book in a couple of days and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with these characters. Kimani (or Kim), the independent and beautiful nurse and future doctor, and Duan, the intense and smoldering sexy private investigator, both of whom share a disdain for one of their parents as well as a mutual lack of desire for anything other than a fling, each really held their own. But their connection is so incredibly intense and insatiable right from the start and they can't seem to get enough of each other. And they get the opportunity to experience what they both say they don't want when Duan's skills and resources are needed to get Kim's mother out of a potentially dangerous situation, and they realize what was apparent from the jump; they were made for each other. I loved that there wasn't a whole lot of subterfuge of them fighting their obvious feelings or refusing to acknowledge or act on them. Sure, you might have known what would happen at the end, but that's not always a bad thing. You might know exactly where you're going but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy the ride getting there. And I surely enjoyed this ride and will be taking it again. I already knew Ms. Jackson was an awesome author but I will definitely be splurging on more books of hers. It's refreshing to know that love will conquer all at the end of the day. Oh, and I love Duan. This book to me was well written, I read a viewers comment that she didn't like it because within the first three pages they were having sex after all the book is called SPONTANEOUS that's ok if she didn't Care for that but I can tell those of you who haven't read the book yet it is good. I don't care that they had sex within the first couple of pages it was different and exciting and most importantly if the author can keep your interest after they have been intimate so quickly then the author has done her job.I like Duan and Kim they both had there issues growing up and that leads them to be who they are. You will fall in love with both Duan and Kim when reading this book as well as their family. I am a fan of Brenda Jackson and she gave me something different and I enjoyed it.Feel free to join my book group on Facebook (Romance Novel Junkies) and fan page ( Romance Novel Junkies Book Reviews). We have over 500 members, which includes well known and indie authors and avid readers as members who are apart of this group. We would love to hear about new books and thoughts. Also check out our kindle and ebook lending library. Twitter @romanceJUNKIES.

What do You think about Spontaneous (2010)?

I love reading Brenda Jackson's books. This book was delicious.

another great book by Brenda Jackson



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