First thing this morning, I went to see Mr Bearman and even though I felt like the biggest grass in the history of grasses (and I don’t mean the wavy, green stuff), I told him everything. He listened without saying much, then thanked me for telling him and asked me to leave it with him. I overheard someone say that ten minutes after I spoke to Mr Bearman, the entire press gang except me was sitting outside the Headteacher’s office and then he and Mrs Pitt-Rivers called them in one by one to do Good Cop, Bad Cop with them. Apparently Mel, Kieran and Toby were sent back to class pretty quickly, because it became totally obvious they weren’t involved. The rest of them were sitting on the seats of shame for most of the morning. Meggie Defoe swears she heard screaming when she was monitoring the late book but I think she made that bit up. Anyway, their parents have been called into school, the website has vanished and someone said that Kelly might go to court but I think that’s probably an exaggeration.