FROM:A syndic formed to consider evacuation procedures TO:The people gathered under the Venette Convention MESSAGE:Do you need to evacuate your dwelling? These guidelines will help you decide and help you to evacuate. You do not need to evacuate if you live in a 60+% green area. Any attack will be targeted on so-called “urban areas.” So-called “rural areas” should be safe. You may wish to consider whether you can help with evacuees. Consult the syndic formed to consider evacuee care. You are advised not to evacuate if you cannot easily reach transport. This may be because your transportation is unreliable, or because you are too young, old, or unwell. Consult the syndic formed to create shelters. A sub-syndic will exist in your area that can assist in building shelters. You are asked to consider not evacuating if you have expertise that can be drawn on: medical, firefighting, communications. Sub-syndics are being formed in your area to coordinate your skills. All others: consider evacuating.