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Read Starfinder: A Novel Of The Skylords

Starfinder: A Novel of the Skylords

Online Book

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Starfinder: A Novel Of The Skylords - Plot & Excerpts

While the Avatar’s surgeon sewed up his torn lip, Commander Donnar peppered him with questions. The Avatar had lifted off again, and Rendor and his bizarre captive had disappeared soon after coming aboard. Skyhigh’s dragonfly had been badly damaged, but Donnar assured him it would be repaired.
“Wing damage, mostly,” said the commander. “She won’t look like much but we’ll get her back in the air.”
At the moment Skyhigh didn’t care about his craft or his broken nose. Just as the surgeon trimmed his last suture, Rendor came onto the bridge.
Skyhigh rose unsteadily out of his chair. “You used me,” he spat. “You dangled me out there like a piece of meat just so you could catch that . . . thing.”
Rendor turned without apology and started back the way he’d come. “Follow me.”
“Hey!” barked Skyhigh. He hurried after Rendor, catching up to him in a narrow corridor and grabbing hold of his shoulder. “I almost died out there!”
Rendor reached up and forcefully removed Skyhigh’s hand.

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