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Read Stars Collide (2011)

Stars Collide (2011)

Online Book

3.53 of 5 Votes: 5
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0800733452 (ISBN13: 9780800733452)
Fleming H. Revell Company

Stars Collide (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

2.5 starsI'm pretty torn on this book.On the one hand it was a sweet, fun and lighthearted fluff of a book, which is what I was in the mood to read. On the other hand, the story really made no sense. We were thrust so quickly into Kat and Scott's "love" that I didn't even understand what was happening. I'm not sure where they went from secretly in love to actually telling each other they were in love, because it was all such a blur. The main plot of this book comes from Kat's grandmother, who is clearly suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's, yet everyone around her just smiles and laughs off her spells. She thinks Kat and Scott are engaged, because the characters they play on their TV show are, and hijinks ensue. It wasn't a terrible book by any means, it was just that the plot was kind of jumbled. I would still give the author another try in the future. I wanted to like this one... I was expecting chick-lit from the cover and description, but what I got was chick lit + Christian fiction, and it wasn't a raging success in either category. The storyline isn't terrible except for the grandmother suffering from dementia and no one seeming to want to do anything about it. While I enjoy Christian fiction in general, this was definitely a "beat you over the head with it" kind of book. Not a fan. The characters talk on just about every other page about God's plan, ad nauseum, and other than a token "God doesn't take away his free will" statement near the end, the rest of the book gives the impression that the characters have no free will, they just glide along in God's plan all the time. So many fervent Christians who talk non-stop about their faith, all employed on the same sit-com set... hard to believe. All of Kat's "father issues" flare up when convenient, and disappear again just as quickly, so they aren't terribly convincing. The ending was cute, except I didn't feel like the two main characters' story had enough time to get to the point they were at at the end.

What do You think about Stars Collide (2011)?

It was good. Fairly predictable, but interestingly enough to keep me reading.

Funny. Sweet. Warm. Love, love, love. Definitely different from the usual!

Is a great book to read

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