“I was so worried.” Pulling back, Annika grabbed her nose and waved her hand in front of it. “Geez, Kieran. Have you been bathing in garbage?” “Funny. But come on, let’s get out of here so you can fill me in on what happened.” Kieran hated to do his next task, but he knelt beside the unconscious man and plowed a fist into his face. He needed to leave a bruise so the man thought he’d been mugged. Grabbing Annika’s hand, they left the alley and headed back to the hotel. Once inside their room, Kieran performed a quick spell cleanse on himself and changed clothes. He had smelled like the inside of a garbage can. Annika was sitting on the bed, cross legged. Kieran took the chair. The same chair that Annika had given him the most amazing blow job in. Focus, Kieran. “I was able to learn quite a bit. The Scepter is kept in Claire Moldevaine’s office, locked in her desk. I was able to steal the key.”