What do You think about Stone Angel (1998)?
THE STONE ANGEL - ExO'Connell, Carol - 4th MallorySeventeen years after her mother, Dr. Cass Shelley, was stoned to death by an angry mob in Dayborn (La.), Kathy Mallory, who fled the scene to become a New York street kid and, eventually, an NYPD sergeant, is back to find out who provoked the mob and what became of her mother's corpse.Mallory's loyal friend Charles Butler, following her down from the city with the idea of helping her out, naturally remains a consistent two leaps behind her, though he does get to spend time with some flavorsome locals--manly spinster Augusta Trebec, mute sculptor Henry Roth, enterprising innkeeper Betty Hale (who's turned the stoning into something of a local holiday), and the rest of the equally nasty Laurie clan- -en route to a dizzyingly complicated windup involving spiritualism, child abuse, and good old-fashioned greed.1997 Top Read - For me, this was a great book in an incredible series. Mallory is such a fascinating, unique character, I can't help wanting to know more about her. The secondary characters are just as interesting; the sense of place strong and evocative and the writing is first rate. I think this is the best book since the first. I loved it.
Recensione in tandem per questo "volo dell'angelo di pietra" e per "La donna che leggeva la morte". Ambedue sono libri di Carol O'Connell che sembra divertirsi in un esercizio alla Queneau formato romanzo. Le due storie hanno i medesimi ingredienti: una casa sopraelevata domina il villaggio, vi abita una donna attorniata di uccelli, vi sono due fratelli, ma quale il buono? Chi il cattivo? E poi il tema delle tombe e quello del facile plagio delle moltitudini. Eppure i romanzi mantengono una propria individualità, atmosfere molto diverse e l'esercizio può dirsi riuscito. Nel "volo dell'angelo di pietra" compare Mallory e l'elemento romantico contenuto in entrambi i romanzi non delude malgrado la sociopatia della bambina con gli occhi di ghiaccio.
—Òphiere editoriale
Dark, unknowable Kathy Mallory has no known history prior to her 10th birthday when she is picked up for stealing by New York city cop Louis Markowitz, brought into his home and then adopted by him and his wife, Helen. In Mallory������s Oracle, Mallory is now a New York police sergeant who works cases with steel-cut precision and a moral code that is slightly more flexible than NYC police regulations. She seems heartless, yet her loyalty to Louis and Helen gives us glimpses of her closely guarded humanity. Damaged and driven, Mallory������s intensity translates to a gripping read.