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Read Stone Barrington 36 - Scandalous Behavior

Stone Barrington 36 - Scandalous Behavior

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Stone Barrington 36 - Scandalous Behavior - Plot & Excerpts

Don Beverly Calhoun. He immediately sent for Douglas Tate, his deputy director in charge of criminal investigations.“Doug, this Calhoun creature has raised his ugly head again. I’ve had reports that he and two of his minions have been arraigned on illegal weapons charges in New York and Connecticut, and now I’m hearing from the head of the Steele Insurance Group that Calhoun appears to be foxing his followers out of ownership of their own homes.”“I wouldn’t put him above anything,” Tate replied. “I’ll open a new investigation.”“You do that—and get ahold of one of the contracts he has signed with these people. I think that’s where we’re most likely to find illegal activity.”“Yes, sir.” Tate returned to his office and checked his list of investigators who were not overburdened with work. He summoned two women, June Craven and Donna Madison, and sat them down. “What do you know about Dr. Don Beverly Calhoun?” he asked them.Craven spoke up. “Mostly the information that appeared in a West Coast magazine a couple of years ago.

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