Crack!“How did this happen?” she demanded. “Escape from The Deep is impossible!” She walked up to Kryzak and wrapped her tail around his neck. “Isn’t it?”The big draykis was rather calm when he said, “It was until now.”She squeezed a little harder, turning his face purple, and released him. Kryzak gasped and rubbed his throat. Selene’s tail swished back and forth. Her lip curled. She didn’t completely understand what had just occurred. Days ago, she’d sent Nath Dragon into The Deep. She had doubts it was really him. Something was not quite right, but time in The Deep would reveal any man’s secrets. And The Deep held its own secret. She resumed her seat on the throne and sat down. The drulture flew over and nestled on her lap. She shooed it away. With a growl, out the window it went.“Tell me what happened once more,” she said to Kryzak. The war cleric wasn’t alone, either. Ten guards were there that witnessed the event. Four draykis stood ready in the room.Kryzak cleared his throat.
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