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Read Strum Your Heart Out

Strum Your Heart Out

Online Book

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Strum Your Heart Out - Plot & Excerpts

It's dark outside. Late enough into the night that I won't cause a scene.The music streams through the walls. Still loud as hell, even as the door swings shut.I press my back against the concrete wall. Deep breath. I'll survive this, somehow.But there's no time to rest. The door pushes open. Drew.His eyes are on fire. He wraps his hands around my wrists and pins me to the wall. "What the fuck are you doing, Kara?""We covered this.""You trying to make me jealous?""It doesn't take a lot. You ever think you'd be better off talking to me than starting some dumb caveman fight?""You want that guy to touch you?""No.""Then it's lucky for him we're already out here." Drew presses his hips against mine. "You're going to get hurt.""I am hurt."He stares at me like he's challenging me to explain. Fat chance of that. I do my best to hold his stare, but it's too demanding. My gaze drifts to the ground. This is not the way to prove I won't put up with bullshit.All it's proving is how mixed up he's got me.He digs his hands into my hair and tilts me so we're eye to eye.

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