Now that he’d got the Nagini under his belt, as it were, and a visit to Immanion had been scheduled – complete with sedu transport, which must surely impress even the unimpressionable Nagini – he didn’t want to hang around too long. The Nagini made a big gesture to the Sulh too, in that they would leave four of their second generation hara in Kyme to study at the Academy. These young hara are cloistered away in the Academy towers, and from what little Malakess has told me about the arrangement, it appears that chaperones have been left with the students and that they will not be mixing too freely with the rest of us. I’ve been so enraptured by my relationship with Malakess that I haven’t give these students much thought. Although Malakess likes to be fairly private about our union, he did relax enough to put his arm around me in the evenings, when we sat and talked with the Hegemon in Huriel’s sitting room. Chrysm was an entertaining har, and even Huriel warmed to him slightly, I think, much to his own disgust.