For a second I thought about going back to the library to get my bike. But Dinah didn’t have a bike, and I wasn’t sure how long she’d follow me. I decided the faster I got to the can opener, the better. “Where’s your church?” Dinah asked, looking up and down the trail. “It’s Peace Congregation, just a little ways up this path,” I told her, pointing up the hill, away from the library. “Do you have a key?” asked Dinah. “Nah,” I said. “I won’t need one. The front door will be unlocked. My dad will be there working on tomorrow’s sermon.” Dinah froze in her tracks. “Whoa!” she cried, shaking her head. “It’s okay,” I said. “He’ll be up in his office. If he sees me, I’ll just say that I stopped by to practice the piano.” “And where am I supposed to be?” Dinah just stood there with her eyes all popped out. “We’ll sneak around the back.” I motioned for her to keep walking. “There’s an old elm tree and dumpster near the back door.