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Read SummerSins (2013)

SummerSins (2013)

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc

SummerSins (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Parked across from the entrance of the exclusive sex club TropiX, Emma Fallon watched another car pull up and the driver hand the invitation to the guard. The wrought-iron gate slowly swung to the side and the car went up the drive.
Her invitation stuck out of her small purse. It took her weeks to get it. If she chickened out, she might never get another chance. Not to mention her boss would be pissed if she missed her deadline for Scandal magazine.
Emma believed the best stories were ones thoroughly researched. When given an assignment to write about the hazards of bungee jumping, she went to the Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge in Colorado and jumped off.
Another investigating the recent cavern scuba diving deaths initiated her scuba certification and a dive into the Devil’s Eye in central Florida. Rock climbing, boat racing, running with the bulls, she preferred hands-on research.
That’s what gave her stories the edge and juice her readers and boss craved.
Those details would get her the hell up and out of the tabloid rag.

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