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Read Support And Defend (2014)

Support and Defend (2014)

Online Book

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Support And Defend (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

He planned on calling David to let him know that he had positively identified Ross, but the rain clouds had completely obscured the moon and taken every bit of the natural light Ethan planned on using to traverse the jungle. Instead, he found that the only way he could move was by keeping dangerously close to the lawn of the safe house. Even though the main house’s lights didn’t reach all the way to the rainforest on the edge, some ambient light made it this far, so Dom used the faint glow to find his way back toward the water and his hide.
    Now back in place and secure, he pulled out his sat phone, ready to call in Israeli special forces. But before he could make the call, the phone vibrated in his hand and the low-light screen came alive with one word: ALBRIGHT.
    This was interesting. Albright calling him? Dom answered in a voice just above a whisper. “Actually, Darren, this is kind of a bad time.”
    The line hissed and crackled.

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