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Harlequin SD

Surrender - Plot & Excerpts

She could feel the flush climb her cheeks at Jacques’s questioning gaze.
“I had not realized Aimee was engaged,” Jacques said, breaking the awkward silence. “Congratulations, Monsieur Gallagher. You are indeed a lucky man. And you, mon amie,” he continued, “you should have told me you were affianced.”
“I’m not,” Aimee said. As she recovered from the initial shock of Peter’s declaration, her temper started to rise. Did he think by proclaiming them to be engaged he could make her sign that stupid prenuptial agreement and marry him? If he did, he had another thought coming.
“But, I do not understand,” Jacques replied, his bewilderment evident.
He wasn’t the only one, Aimee fumed silently. She tried to pry herself free from Peter’s side, but his fingers were like talons of steel, keeping her pinned to him.
“What Aimee means is that it’s not official yet,” Peter explained.
Aimee shot a fiery glance toward Peter at the out-and-out lie. “What I mean is that we are not engaged—”

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