grew out of a rumor that had wide circulation several years ago. According to the rumor — a sort of alligators-in-the-sewer-system allegation, presented as absolute documented fact — the con depicted in “King’s X” was successfully employed half a century ago by a veteran trickster to fleece Tiffany’s (some say Cartier) out of an enormous sum. It’s not a terribly elaborate scam, but there is appeal in its simplicity and daring, and satisfaction in the sting, and I hadn’t seen it elsewhere in fiction. She found Breck on the garage floor, lying on his back with his knees up and his face hidden under the car. His striped coveralls were filthy. There was a dreadful din: he was banging on something with a tool. When there was a pause in the racket she said, “You look like a convict.” “Not this year.” He slid out from under the car and blinked up at her. He looked as if he’d camouflaged his face for night maneuvers in a hostile jungle. He didn’t seem surprised to see her.