She was there with him again. Her soft voice was like a healing melody that made him feel peaceful. He could picture her lulling a child to sleep with her angelic sounds. Slowly he opened his eyes, careful as to not have the light startle him like it had the past few times he’d woke. Faint memories of waking several times for only a few minutes only to quickly fall back under came back to him. Each time he remembered her being there, yet he couldn’t remember seeing or hearing the man she called her father. He was coming to expect her to be there, like she was his personal nurse. The thought brought him back to reality as he wasn’t in a hospital, and the people who cared for him were not medical staff. It perplexed him why the few times he’d been awake and asking questions that it never dawned on him to ask the biggest one of all. Why the hell wasn’t he in a damn hospital? Even though he didn’t admit to being a SEAL, clearly her father was not a stupid man.
What do You think about Sweet Affliction [Sweet Awakenings 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (2012)?