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Read Sword Of Avalon (2009)

Sword of Avalon (2009)

Online Book

4.11 of 5 Votes: 2
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0451462920 (ISBN13: 9780451462923)
Roc Hardcover

Sword Of Avalon (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

I decided to read this series chronologically rather than publication date. I thought the series would run smoother. Well it didn't. I read Mists of Avalon awhile back. Though the book was one thousand pages long, it flowed well. With Ancestors of Avalon, it was harder to get into but overall, I still liked the book. I think since Diana Paxon has taken over Marion Zimmerman Bradley's legacy, the flow isn't as smooth. For Sword of Avalon, it was incredibly difficult to follow the story. The book skipped like fifteen years without any setup and I felt I was just skimming the book to get the reading done. It is a shame because I like the Arthurian tales and I wanted to like this book. Voltar a Avalon é como voltar a adolescência e reviver a experiência de ter lido "As Brumas de Avalon" pela primeira vez (foram livros que me marcaram).Apesar de traços comuns com todos os livros de Avalon, como o amor sofrido, o livro não desilude. E é muito interessante como é neste livro que ficámos a conhecer como surgiram certos rituais, como as tatuagens de dragão nos braços do rei, o Rei Veado e até mesmo sobre a Excalibur.No entanto, nem todo o livro me despertou interesse, pois a parte intermédia do livro, quando Mykantor é afastado de Tirilan achei-a longa demais. No entanto, assim que Mykantor regressa, a história torna-se muito mais interessante e fluída.

What do You think about Sword Of Avalon (2009)?

Diane L. Paxson is not a Marion Zimmer Bradley but close enough for me to enjoy her writing.

Vi si trovano temi già trattati anche il altre "serie" della zimmer Bradley. Nulla di che.

I really enjoyed this tale, hope that there will be more from Diana in the near future.

Newest in the Avalon series of prequels

I just could not get into this book.

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