The strident voice sliced through the commotion of the end-of-school rush. Tom’s head lifted, instinctively searching out the source of the discontent. Through the open entryway doors he could see a large group of students huddled next to the theater doors. The air around them practically shimmered with tension. Glancing briefly at the row of busses rumbling to life in the loading zone, he headed back into the building. He felt like a salmon swimming upstream to spawn as he elbowed his way to the theater entrance. More students gathered around the edges of the original group, drawn to the angry tone of the original speaker. A well-timed cough, a tap on the shoulder, and Tom’s presence was noted. The tight cluster slowly peeled apart like an onion, revealing a willowy blonde, her face currently pinched in an expression of anger and disgust. “What seems to be the problem, Amber?” Tom stood directly in front of her, maintaining eye contact. The crowd slowly hushed. Amber slapped her hand against the wooden door, indicating the typed list posted there.
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