He lay flat on his back in the comedy club. “Are you all right?” It was Lenore’s voice. She leaned over him in concern. “We found the letter,” he replied, glad that he could talk again. “But it was far more dangerous than we imagined.” That wasn’t what he really meant. The first day cover wasn’t dangerous by itself; it was everything that happened around the letter. Lenny did his best to explain, giving a quick summary to Lenore, Swami Phil, and the Baron. Like how his finger snapping seemed mostly to get Sheila to change clothes (Lenore seemed to frown a bit during his descriptions of the wardrobe), until one final snap led to the revelation of the first day cover. Which was in turn followed by his frustration with not being able to actually grab it and run. Swami Phil nodded his head in admiration. “You have had the most remarkable trance states that I have ever witnessed.