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Read Tempted By Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novella (2000)

Tempted by Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novella (2000)

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Tempted By Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novella (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, good linkage to the last book with the scarabs and such. Nice to see Lazaro again and that he's full of spunk even though he's over a thousand years old but again with the shortness of the novella I feel this story was shorted. This is also the second novella dealing with the scarabs with no mention in the regular novel. Not sure if that's a wise way to handle what is obviously going to be a serious story arc.In light of the length I can't really criticize the whole I mean you and love you instantly plot device. I do so hate that though. I have to just let it be here due to the page restraint. Overall solid 3.5, being generous and rounding up to four. Tempted By Midnight is story number 12.5 in Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed Series as well as novella number 10 in the 1,001 Dark Nights Series. I am always thrilled to read a new story from Lara Adrian and head back into the Breed world and this novella was spectacular. Packed with emotion, heat, and action, I devoured it in one sitting and loved every second.Leader of the Order’s Italian command center, Lazaro Archer was used to sensing threats and eliminating them. It was his sole focus, especially now that his family had been taken from him in a horrific manner years before. Preparing for an important meeting with political members with the hopes of ending the strife between the Breed, vampires, and humans, he thought he knew all the players intended on coming to the meeting…and then he saw her. The intriguing and beautiful red-head that shouldn’t be here. Melena. But here she was and his reaction, and attraction, to her was almost immediate. He remembered her from almost another lifetime ago, and remembered saving her from an untimely demise when she fell into an icy lake when she was much younger. She was grown now, and with beauty and brains to spare, he shouldn’t wonder why he was attracted to her. But could he really forget all that he had lost in the past? His family? There wasn’t too much time to ponder more on that night because as fate would have it, he would have to rescue her once again before the evening came to an end…Melena Walsh would never forget Lazaro Archer. He had saved her life and she will be eternally grateful for that. Now she was here with him and wanted nothing more than to thank him for what he had done all those years earlier. She also would love to be able to ease some of the pain she still saw in his eyes. He had been hardened since she last saw him and after losing his family it was no wonder. But the pull she felt when she saw him was much more than wanting to ease his pain…it was a longing for more. Maybe she would have the chance to rescue him this time…from the sadness and pain that lingered.Before either one of them can contemplate their attraction, they are met with a terrible situation and thrown together, having to rely on each other to stay alive. And with that, their attraction only grows stronger and into something much more meaningful. Could this be fate’s way of giving Lazaro a second chance at love?I loved, loved, loved this story. Lara put so much heart into the pages and so much emotion that I was drawn in from the very first page. I loved that Lazaro and Melena had a history and that she understood what he had gone through with the loss of his family. Melena never tried to forget the past, in fact she wanted Lazaro to accept it and move on with his life…a feat he had been unable to do until now. She was exactly what he needed and even though it took a while for him to realize it, she pushed him to realize she was right. He deserved a chance at happiness again and Melena was that chance. It was beautiful to read and I wanted nothing more than for these two to have their happy ending. Of course, my lips are sealed as to if they got it!Adding another layer to this story was the conflict between the Breed, fellow vampires, and the humans and the trouble all the sides are facing. Also, we got to see a few familiar faces along the way, which was a real treat, and met some new ones that I can’t wait to read more of!Thank you, Ms. Adrian, for a yet another phenomenal story!

What do You think about Tempted By Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novella (2000)?

3.5 stars. Great story but felt it was rushed due to the short length

I saw the ending coming a mile away, but still a fun read.


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