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Read Terrorscape (2013)

Terrorscape (2013)

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Terrorscape (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

That is an awesome cover. You have to admit it. I need this book. Screwed up serial killers are awesome. And obsessive screwed up serial killers? Those are the best.And I just realized something. Fear turns into Horror, which turns into Terror. And of course I knew that before I posted it.Update: 6/11/13 Find this Monday Musing and more at http://www.thereadingobsession.blogsp... I was planning to do a series review of the Horrorscape trilogy, but Terrorscape still wasn't out yet. So I'm going to do a series review later and a Musing today. Apparently, there are going to be, as Nenia puts it, "mindscrews galore" so these predictions will probably be so inaccurate that both you, Reader, and the author, Nenia Campbell, will laugh at me. And warning: Spoilers for the previous two books are everywhere in this review. They're like those Agents in the Matrix. Or the mosquitoes in Thailand. If you've read Fearscape, you remember about the toygers. If you're thinking, "What toygers?" then get out, Person Who Hasn't Read Fearscape. Anyways, I was thinking that Gavin might have killed the pets from the petstore before he met Val. One of the major signs of being a serial killer is killing small animals. Gavin is also probably going to set fire to Val's house or some place she really is interested in/ likes. Arsonists aren't always killers, but setting fires is one of the signs. This one is pretty obvious, but I think I should get at least one thing right. Val is going to live. However, in all the horror movies, the protagonist always dies in the end, right after defeating the villain. Is that going to happen here? There's a term in chess and some other games called Zugzwang. It's the point in the game where the player has to make a move, even though s/he doesn't want to. Every move after that weakens the player. I have a feeling this will happen to Val. When this happens to a player, there is a high likelihood that they will lose. However, I'm really hoping that Val won't die, if only for the sake of her killing Gavin.  When I was looking at how far Nenia was in writing this (pg 27/550:  "THREATS IN THE MAIL.") I also saw the shelves she shelved Terrorscape under: This will give it a pretty good idea of what might happen: Shelves:  x-series-bk-3, gorgeous-covers, antihero, dark-like-my-soul, disturbing, erotica, gothic, hero-is-fucking-scary, heroine-is-flawed, heroine-is-too-stupid-to-live, heroine-is-trying-but, icky-things-going-on-here, incest, murder-most-foul, new-adult, psycho-killer-qu-est-ce-que-c-est, rape-n-violence, revenge, sex-as-blackmail-revenge-leverage, wtf The first two are pretty obvious: it's the third book in a series and it has an awesome cover. The next shelf seems pretty easy to think of what will happen. The "dark-like-my-soul" hints that this will be bloody and gory and scary. Pretty much everything I love. The "disturbing" shelf: It's about a serial killer obsessed with a girl. Of course it'll be disturbing. Erotica shelf: Wait, what? What? I didn't see that the first time I read the shelf names. Erotica? But the first book was categorized as Young Adult (unless I read it wrong). Anyways, erotica= sex scene between Gavin and Val. No. I have no idea how its going to happen.  I've never read any gothic books that I know of. So I don't know what's going to happen. Next shelf: Hero is (censored here) scary. No, really? Never would have guessed. It's not like he's a psychopath or anything. Oh wait... The heroine shelves: Val has problems, probably even more PTSD. Or maybe she will get over it and kick Gavin's butt. However, she'll probably not be able to do it, because of the third heroine shelf. About the second ( the one in the middle), I don't want Val to be an idiot! I want her to stop trusting anyone and lock herself in her house. Shelf: Icky things going on here. Icky how? Like blood spattering on the floor and being impossible to clean up? Or the (censored) kind? And why is incest on here? This is going to be a completely screwed up book( in the good way). Shelf: murder-most foul. There will be killing! Nenia commented somewhere that Val is going to give him a motive to go all serial killer on people. I'm expecting Nenia to get the actual definition of a serial correct: a person that kills three or more people in an extended period of time, and he will have a cooling off period in between. If Nenia sticks to the serial killer definition, this book will last over the course of several months. A New Adult book not focused on romance. That'll be a first. I'm skipping over the psycho-killer shelf. I already talked about killing. Same with the next two shelves.  But revenge? On whom? Val or Gavin? Maybe Val will try and kill Gavin. And Gavin will try and kill Val (and all her friends). Finally, the last shelf: the wtf shelf. It probably sums up the entire book. Roses. Gavin has an obsession with red roses. He burns one every night. Maybe Val will get another bouquet of roses and a creepy poem. Maybe it'll be like Alice in Wonderland, with the roses being painted. Except for the paint will be blood.  Talking about Gavin, I hope there's going to be more of his point of view. I love reading mentally deranged people's point of vies. ( It reminds me of me!) And um... I can't think of anything else right now. I'm probably going to be lying in bed thinking of random things and wishing I didn't turn off my computer. Last note: There had better be ARCs. I refuse to wait until September 30, 2013. And here's the actual review!Spoilers for the series abound, because, seriously, you can't review this series without spoilers.Do you know that feeling when you read an amazing book, and you're like, "I must get the other one or else I'll die."? But at the same time, you're terrified that the next book won't be as good? That's basically how I felt when I finished Fearscape, the first book in this trilogy. However, being the serial-killer-obsessed person I am, I went and bought the next book. And it was even better. Around that time, I thought all the books had come out, so I went to try and buy the next one. But noooooo, people had to be mean and not release it yet.Then I realized Nenia always updated her status on how far in a book she had written, and I went and stalked that for a while. All this time, I was getting more and more excited for the conclusion that had to be epic. It turns out that Nenia finished writing and editing it a few months earlier and released it, and that meant I could buy it.(view spoiler)[There's a quote from Terrorscape, book three of the trilogy, that accurately describes the entire series:“Once upon a time, there was a naïve and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams.From childhood's grave sprang a young woman, jaded before her years, who knew that beasts could wear the skins of men, and that evil could exist in sunlight, as well as darkness." The Horrorscape Trilogy is about a girl who starts out very sweet, innocent, and ordinary, but meets a guy. He acts like all the other YA novel love interests, so she doesn't see anything wrong. Slowly, she realizes that the boyfriends of books shouldn't be real in life. The ones that are real are dangerous. This begins a game of cat and mouse, where Val is the rodent.In the first book, Val is full of life and hope. In the second, she becomes scared and terrified. This is a true reaction to what would happen if a psychopath became obsessed with you. In the third, she's still scared, but she fights back.Gavin also experiences character development, but it is not for the better. Instead, he hones his ability to kill and generally becomes more terrifying.Unlike so many of the YA novels, this series is written in third person. Sometimes, third person will take away the terror of suspenseful books, but this one doesn't.Nenia has this gift of being an amazing writer. Her descriptions are so detailed, and yet not boring as to take away from the overall impact. The downside to this is that a lot of her descriptions sound like the places I'm often at, and I'm scared whenever I think of them.There is so much suspense in these three novels that it made me freak out whenever I heard a noise. And since people have terrible timing, they'd walk in right at the terrifying part.In Terrorscape, there's a mention of a Vivaldi ringtone. When I read, I play music on my computer. Guess what just happened to play when I started that page? I swear, I started screaming. Meanwhile, my dog just sits there confused.And guess what? There's something called research in this book. Why do I know this? Because occasionally, I'll look up strange things, say for example, "serial killers" or "stalkers".The first book is when Val is still fourteen. What annoys fourteen-year-olds? Parents. And yes, there are parents here. They're actually a major part, unlike so many other books.As the series progresses, the parts of Val's parents shrink, just like what happens when a teen grow up. However, they're still an active role in the story.There's something I dubbed "nenianism". Whenever you read a book by Nenia Campbell, there's going to be references to a cat. It's just something I noticed.Endings of series and books are very difficult to write. However, Nenia makes it seem effortless.This trilogy is phenomenal. It's utterly brilliant and ingenious. I will read anything Nenia writes now. And she'd better write more. Or else I'll bring Gavin back to life and set him on her. (hide spoiler)]

Update: 12/09/2013Alright, first off, I actually finished this book literally the second I got it which was a out a week after it came out, but I haven't been able to process my thoughts after reading it because the ending was just.... I need a gif to explain it Now, I really hope this isn't the end of the series, even though I think it was meant to be a trilogy, but really WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!I have no words right now, after what happened to Gavin and Val's revelation and IS SHE PREGNANT OR NOT? But I now need more, I need to know whether that whole ending epilogue thingy was her concocting some dream in the hospital and Gavin just jumps out of the corner and yells SURPRISE! Or some shit like that.... Actually I have a list of what I need as of now:1:AN ENDING TO THIS BOOK! NOT SOME CLIFFHANGER WHATCHAMAKALITY THINGY SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME CRY EITHER WITH JOY AND OR SADNESS2: Just like a novella on Gavin's family because they seem like my kind of people in the sense that they are more like eighty shades of fucked up instead of fifty3: Gavin's Mum and Dad need their own series, their relationship seems more screwed up than Val's and Gavin's and we ALL know that is tough to beat!But otherwise, the story was really good, and it's normally challenging for an author to keep a book audience so captivated with a topic like this and keep on coming up with new material, but you have managed to do it, so amazing and I apologise for my abundance of swearing in this review but that is the only way I am able to personify my feelings. Original PostOkay, alright, okay...First of all, I need to control my breathing...Second of all, THERE IS A THIRD FREAKING BOOKHOLY SHIT Words cannot express how excited I am for this book, and the fact that GAVIN is on the cover I honestly need some teasers for this book, like need them right now, today, this second, in my hand, right f"cking now! I've read Fearscape, I died. When I found out there was a second book, I came back devoured it in two hours, then died again. When I found out there was a third book I came back and read the blurb, died, then had to be killed once more when I found out I wouldn't be staging a resurrection until the 30th of September! I NEED A REASON TO COME BACK BEFORE THAT! And also, after I finish reading this final book, I would like to die peacefully and return to my throne in hell having all my previous qualms about Gavin and Val solved. Third of all, incest? What? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY!Anyway, sorry for scaring you, but I needed to let that out and my family already thinks I need to be institutionalised so thank you for reading. But please publish this book soon, I really would like to read the conclusion and if it is even half as good as its two predecessors I am sure I will enjoy every second of my reading it.

What do You think about Terrorscape (2013)?

*****5 WTF Stars*****OK....WTF was that ending?? (view spoiler)[So, is Val still pregnant? Is Ann Marie going to go after Val now? (hide spoiler)]
—Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen

*****4 WTF! stars*****After reading Fearscape, I just can't get enough of crazy, creepy, stalker Gavin. So of course, I did what I must do. Straightaway, I devoured the next two books. And just like Fearscape, they kept me on the edge of my seat. I still couldn't wrap my mind on what the fuck just happened. Me from Fearscape to Horrorscape to Terrorscape:Let me be honest, on the first part of the first book Then all of a sudden things got more interesting, intriguing And when I felt a budding romance is about to happen (Ghad, I'm such a twisted motherfucker for even wishing a HEA)Gavin,Then that ending! I did not see it coming, at all.

****3.5-4 Dark & Cryptic Stars****1,2 Gavin's coming for you3,4 better lock your doors5,6 Grab your crucifix7,8 better stay up late9,10 Never sleep again"“Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.” ― Stephen King, The ShiningIn the last installment to this series, Gavin has completely lost all his marbles. Gavin decides to seek out Valerian again to finish what they started But little does he know that she has not only changed her appearance she has also grown a backbone. Gavin goes through extreme measures to find, consume, and terrorize Valerian. All for the sake of making Valerian HISI must admit, Terrorscape was the best in the series. It showed a darker, grittier side to Gavin but also showed that maybe just maybe there is just a little tiny teeny glimmer of something good in Gavin. Valerian drove me APE SHIT CRAZY with her stupidity and how she can let this man BRAINWASH the fuck outta her. In addition to her stupidity, I do not know what possessed her to take matters into her own hands knowing full well the outcome of her actions. All in all, the ending was JUSTIFIABLE

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