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Read That Reckless Night (2013)

That Reckless Night (2013)

Online Book

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That Reckless Night (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Miranda fumbled for the phone and answered in a sleepy mumble to hear her brother’s voice on the other line.
    “I got your message. What’s up?”
    Miranda sat up to rub the sleep from her eyes as she answered, “I can’t believe you actually called me back so soon. I half expected not to hear from you for another couple weeks.”
    “You said it was important,” Trace reminded her. “So what’s going on?”
    Miranda yawned as she slowly came awake. “The situation with Mom is getting out of control. I need your input. She won’t listen to me, and of course, Dad is no help. I hired an organizer to go out there and help her and she sent the woman away. And then she was mad at me for sending the woman to her home.”
    “Of course she was mad. I wouldn’t want a stranger poking her nose into my business, either.”
    Trace’s irritation rubbed Miranda the wrong way.

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