A very nice read regarding the life of the 14th Dalai Lama which tells his story from his early years till the time he left Tibet to seek asylum in India. Even though the story is told in comic form, yet the matter is given the respect it deserves. The storyline is descriptive enough for someone who is studying the life of the Dalai Lama for the first time. The complexities of the Tibet-China relations are explained in an easy to understand manner.The illustrations are very nice and are in complete sync with the story being told. The moods and the situations of the story are beautifully captured by the illustrations.All in all a very nice read for someone trying to get an introduction to the life of the Dalai Lama and the Tibet-China conflict. Don't expect the book to go into the minutest details as this book is meant to be the ultimate authority on the subject. Biografia em mangá do mais recente e 14o Dalai Lama, com grande contexto histórico e urgentemente atual. Bem direta e sem muitas preocupações estéticas, além do básico. Uma jeito fácil, rápido e indolor para começar a se inteirar sobre o Tibete, os Lamas e o budismo.PS: Para uma leitura lírica sobre o mesmo tema, recomendo "The White Lama", quadrinhos em dois volumes do Jodorowsy.
Short and sweet. If you like this you should watch Scorsese's "Kundun." Basically the same thing
Entertaining and informative graphic novel on the 14th Dalai Lama.
A great, fun intro to the current Dalai Lama.
Historically interesting.
reviewing for Booklist