That doesn’t mean we’re retreating from the world, so much as we’re moving into a deeper experience of it. For the world is in fact a whole lot bigger than what we see with our physical eyes. Part of the value of the aging process—and I did say that, yes: the value of the aging process—is that it delivers us naturally to realms in which we’re not quite so tethered to the realities of the material world. It’s not so much that we’re “losing it” as that we’re finding it. I find it utterly liberating to have forgotten certain things; thank God I forgot them! And that’s not to minimize scary monsters such as the fear of Alzheimer’s. It’s just to keep some of our changes in perspective. I don’t think as quickly as I used to, I’m sure of it. Nor do I speak as quickly or move as quickly. But it seems to me that I think more deeply. It’s like I understand things in the round. I WOKE UP ONCE TO A LATE-NIGHT EPIPHANY THAT SHONE like a neon pronouncement: that the key to human salvation lies in our living for each other.
What do You think about The Age Of Miracles (2009)?